Do you feel as if your energy levels are declining? Have you noticed a difference in the tone of your skin’s pigment, possibly due to a vitamin deficiency?
Certain diagnostics require a blood analysis to check for irregularities. The Doctors’ Office Urgent Care of West Caldwell offers patients affordable laboratory tests of the blood.
Why blood tests can make a difference:
Blood work is usually administered when a patient is either feeling unfamiliar discomfort or needs a routine check. The testing helps healthcare professionals to determine a broad span of various biochemical or physiological states such as vitamin or mineral count within the blood, deficiencies of any kind, the proper function of internal organs or diseases.
The West Caldwell – Doctors’ Office Urgent Care can support you in taking the preventative measures required to live a healthy lifestyle by completing a full laboratory analysis of your blood.
Individual exams can also be administered to determine:
Vitamin deficiencies
Health risks concerning the heart
Hormone panels
Male comprehensive panels
Female comprehensive panels
Putting your health and financial budget first:
Your overall well being should not break your bank account. All the blood test results we provide are priced so that you can benefit from our healthcare service and suffer from any financial crisis due to medical expenses.
Blood analysis include but are not limited to:
Detecting cancer – whether you are experiences chronic symptoms or not, a laboratory analysis of your blood will keep your mind at ease knowing you do no suffer from such a diseases. If a physician has diagnosed you with cancer prior to your visit, we can accommodate you with alternative blood testing.
Analysis of hormone levels – If you’re feeling an overall lack of energy, you could have a low count of the required hormones you body needs to sustain. Our detailed blood work results will help determine if you need hormone supplements.
Comprehensive exams for men – The composition of a male patient’s blood will clue the physician into what could be causing any present or future risks of health complications such as heart disease prostate cancer.
Comprehensive exams for women – Women are more prone to conditions like a hormone irregularity or thyroid problem that may be causing excessive weight gain. A comprehensive analysis of the blood will determine if there are any existing conditions need medical attention.
The team members at the West Caldwell – Doctors’ Office Urgent Care are always happy to assist patients who worry about their health. We want to give medical assistance you may need and make sure that you feel confident with the healthcare choices you make.
All lab tests must be ordered after being seen by one of our providers.
The Doctors’ Office Urgent Care has been certified and received the distinguished accreditation from the Urgent Care Association (UCA)